Thanks for listening to the podcast!

I hope you found it helpful to StressLess! I’ve shared some of my favorite resources below.

How can I help you?

Are you a part of a community that would benefit from actionable stress management talks?

  • Are you looking for a speaker to infuse resilience & well-being at your next conference?

  • Are you on a board of a non-profit that hosts speakers?

  • Are you a member of an association or professional group that’s looking for programming that supports health and wellness of your members?

  • Are you involved with a networking organization that could benefit from less stress?

If you’re ready to get something on the calendar now, schedule time with me to discuss your organization’s needs.

Let’s connect!





Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by sisters Emily and Amelia Nagoski <<HERE>>

How to do Nothing by Jenny Odell <<HERE>>

Meditation with Intention by Anusha Wijeyakumar <<HERE>>

Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff <<HERE>>

The Upside of Stress by Kelly McGonigal <<HERE>>

The Designing your Life Workbook by Bill Burnett << HERE>>

The How of Happiness by Sonia Lyubomirsky << HERE>>




Discover your strengths: VIA signature strengths survey << HERE>>

Self-compassion: Dr. Kristin Neff has some amazing resources to help you become a little bit nicer to yourself. Bonus: being nicer to yourself also helps to manage stress. Click <<HERE>>




Work Life with Adam Grant

Making Positive Psychology Work with Michelle McQuaid

The Psychology Podcast with Scott Barry Kaufman

Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris




Body Scan Meditation <<HERE>>

Meditation on Breath <<HERE>>

Loving Kindness Meditation <<HERE>>

Deep Rest Meditation <<HERE>>

Self-Compassion Meditations <<HERE>>

Mindfulness Meditation <<HERE>>




Insight Timer

Meditation Oasis Apps: Simply Being, Take a Break, iSleep Easy


Ten Percent Happier